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The biology of Arctic species is still poorly known, and boreal species that now establish in the Arctic are fishery sensitive, which calls for cautious ecosystem management of these areas.

Background and Aims. This paper concludes our series of publications comparing island and mainland speciation in European butterfly-orchids, by studying the morphology, phylogenetics and reproductive biology of the controversial circum… The biological fixation of atmospheric nitrogen (N) is a major pathway for available N entering ecosystems. In N-limited boreal forests, a significant amount of N2 is fixed by cyanobacteria living in association with mosses, contributing up… Our results of short-term cooling following the K–Pg asteroid impact are supported by a migration of cool, boreal dinoflagellate species into the subtropic Tethyan realm directly across the K–Pg boundary interval (16, 41) and the ingression… As a result, the Arctic terrestrial environment was significantly different from today, with boreal ecosystems at much higher latitudes (Salzmann et al., 2008). We estimated genome size using k-mer counting of quality and barcode trimmed reads using Jellyfish v2.2.10 (Marçais and Kingsford 2011). Mattsson, T., Kortelainen, P., and Räike, A.: Export of DOM from boreal catchments: impacts of land use cover and climate, Biogeochemistry, 76, 373–394, 2005. BioTek’s life science instrumentation is suitable for a very broad range of common and trending applications. Search our Resources section for information about specific applications, instruments, technical documentation, literature…

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As a result, the Arctic terrestrial environment was significantly different from today, with boreal ecosystems at much higher latitudes (Salzmann et al., 2008). We estimated genome size using k-mer counting of quality and barcode trimmed reads using Jellyfish v2.2.10 (Marçais and Kingsford 2011). Mattsson, T., Kortelainen, P., and Räike, A.: Export of DOM from boreal catchments: impacts of land use cover and climate, Biogeochemistry, 76, 373–394, 2005. BioTek’s life science instrumentation is suitable for a very broad range of common and trending applications. Search our Resources section for information about specific applications, instruments, technical documentation, literature… Background. Foraging efficiency is critical in determining the success of organisms and may be affected by a range of factors, including resource distance and quality. For social insects such as ants, outcomes must be considered at the…

Background and Aims. This paper concludes our series of publications comparing island and mainland speciation in European butterfly-orchids, by studying the morphology, phylogenetics and reproductive biology of the controversial circum…

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Note: You may need to register prior to downloading any software or drivers OptixCam Classic Summit and Pinnacle Series Software for X Series Cameras.

Ines Wendler, Universität Bremen, Historische Geologie / Paläontologie Department, Post-Doc. Studies Climate Research, Benthic foraminifera a Cretaceous.

Hemiparasitic plants increase plant biodiversity by reducing the abundance of dominant plant species, allowing for the establishment of subordinate species. Hemiparasites reduce host resources by directly removing nutrients from hosts…